Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka
Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka
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Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka

Kirei ni Shitemoraemasu ka., Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka, Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka., Will You Clean This For Me?, 깨끗하게 해주시겠어요, 綺麗にしてもらえますか。, 能帮我弄干净吗?
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 4754
Updated On

Synopsis Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka


Kirei ni Shitemoraemasuka takes place at a seaside town laundry shop called “Kinme Cleaning,” where the proprietress Wakana Kinme is a cheerful, hardworking girl who loves hot springs. The “bittersweet” story stars Kinme and the people around her.


Chapter List
