Nando toki o kurikaeshitemo Honnouji ga moerunjaga!
Nando toki o kurikaeshitemo Honnouji ga moerunjaga!
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Nando toki o kurikaeshitemo Honnouji ga moerunjaga!

Honnoji will burn no matter how many times you repeat it !?, 何度、時をくりかえしても本能寺が燃えるんじゃが!?
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 7475
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Synopsis Nando toki o kurikaeshitemo Honnouji ga moerunjaga!

天正10年、京・本能寺。停泊中の織田信長を家臣の明智光秀が襲撃した。世に云う「本能寺の変」である。忠臣の裏切りにあい、天下統一を目の前にして非業の死を遂げた信長。けれど気づくと、彼は「本能寺の変」より7年前に戻っていた!? しかもそこには、裏切り者の光秀がいて…。

10th year of Tensho, Honnoji, Kyoto. Akechi Mitsuhide, a vassal, attacked Nobunaga Oda at berth. It is the “Honnouji Incident” that is said to the world. Nobunaga died unemployed in the face of unification of the world due to the betrayal of his loyal retainer. But when I noticed, he was back seven years before the “Honnoji Incident”! ?? Moreover, there is a traitor, Mitsuhide …


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