Youkai Apartment No Yuuga Na Nichijou
Youkai Apartment No Yuuga Na Nichijou
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Youkai Apartment No Yuuga Na Nichijou

Youkai Apato no Yuuga na Nichijou, Elegant Yokai Apartment Life, Life at the Monster Apartment, Xóm Trọ Yêu Quái, Youkai Apaato no Yuuga na Nichijou, 妖怪アパートの幽雅な日常, 妖怪公寓里优雅的日常生活
Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Views 3001
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Synopsis Youkai Apartment No Yuuga Na Nichijou

妖怪と幽霊と人間が同居!? ひとり暮らしを始めたアパートには、 人情味あふれる「クセ者」入居者ばかり! 二畳の板間と四畳の和室、 トイレ風呂共同まかない付きで二万五千円! さあ、キミも一緒に住みこもう! 累計100万部突破の人気小説、待望のコミカライズ! 『地獄堂霊界通信』の香月日輪の大人気作品を、 『ロケットスターター』の深山和香が完全ビジュアル化!!!

Inaba Yuushi’s parents passed away when he was in his first year of middle school, forcing him to move in with relatives. Though they did care for him, he could tell he was being a burden. After graduation he was all set to move to a high school with a dormitory, but said dorms suddenly burn down! It’s tough finding lodgings as an orphaned student with little money, but Yuushi somehow manages to acquire a room in a nice old building close to the train station.

Of course there’s a catch: the place is a “youkai apartment,” where humans and supernatural creatures – ghosts, mononoke, oni and the like – live next door to each other. A friendly high school sophomore named Akine lives there as well, but not only is she completely unfazed by the monsters, she can even exorcise evil spirits! Looks like Yuushi’s new life is going to be much stranger than he bargained for…

